Thursday, April 12, 2007

ספרים שראנק

זעטס אייך, זעטס אייך, ר' איד צי רעביצן אידענע

!הנני מוכן ומזומן לשם "יחוד" צווישן די לעידיס און די מען

So, I've opened a little blog, a shtible, for learners. A place to discuss the sefarim we've extracted from the public library..............

Please share suggestions on book titles of worthy reading on the wall of this post. I may or may not read it, I may or may not review it, but I most probably will look through its back flap with interest.

With much appreciation. A sheinem dank.


Anonymous said...

זאל דער אייבערשטער דיר העלפען, זאלסט קענען מסיים זיין ספר נאך ספר, עס זאל נמשך ווערען די השפעות פון די מחברים אין מוציאי לאור, אין עס זאל מקוים ווערען דעם נבואה פין "ומלאה הארץ דעה, כמים לים מכסים" אמן ואמן

SemGirl said...

Another Blog, Wow... Dont sell yourself short Shpitz. You should be writing books as well as reading..

SemGirl said...

Another Blog, Wow.. Dont sell yourself short Shpitz. You should be writing books as well as reading them.

Anonymous said...

Very poor choice of reading material. the main protagonist is a well-known looney, and yet the author uses him to portray the rest of us rebels.

Anonymous said...

i know the guy personally. we went to yeshiva together, and guess what? He's back in the fold, shtraimel and all

Chananiah Yom Tov Lipa said...

"I don't have the book to this days, they never gave it back, and that was the end of my quest for literature."

Do you think Mom & Dad read it?

Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Guys, thanks for the well wishes. Shtreimel, I'm still laughing at your hearty brukha.

Chanya Yom Tov - Mom and Dad read it? FAT CHANCE!

Anonymous said...

haketanah tlit"a biz moosheeach kimpt. are you a man?

Anonymous said...

Read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. It's always been one of my favorites

Baal Habos said...

Wow, that's some story about your parents and he books.
Of course it's never right for parents to beat the kids.

Because you omitted the title, I'm not sure why the book reading infraction was so severe. Was it because it was English? Or possibly about some material considered in-appropriate?

Mazel Tov on this new blog.

Anonymous said...

the more i read this shpitzle blog,
the more i am convinced this is some chasidic pervert masquarading as a woman
anybody else have this suspicion?

Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Chchick - I will, thanks.

Baal Habbos - Well, I can't believe it's come to this, but I really don't understand their reasoning either. I do know that it is forbidden to read English books just because they're English, but there is no need to take such extreme measures.
Thanks for the well wishes.


Oh, please, not the old 'you're a man' accusation again.

I have no way to prove that I am authentic, and therefore no reason to try, but I am deeply insulted at being referred to as a 'pervert' regardless of what my gender may be.

It would be nice if you'd consider other's feelings before you speak.

Baal Habos said...

>Baal Habbos - Well, I can't believe it's come to this,

Come to what?

Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

BHB - Oh, that it's come to the point where I myself am mystefied as to why it's wrong. Used to be a day I did it, but not without knowing that it is not allowed, and the reason for it being banned. Over time, I am forgetting what their reasoning is.

Leapa said...

Shtrimpie, where - oh - where do you find the time ???

Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Leapa, here's the trick, I don't find time, I steal time. (Primarily from my all-important phone yapping sessions. I used to talk on the phone A LOT. I don't mind being busy with something lest airy for a change. Although at times I might chip away from important obligations.)

Anonymous said...

do a report on Noami Ragens books:
Sotah, The sacrifice of Tamar, Jephtes daughter. I would love to hear your opinion on these books.

Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Anon - I read Jephta's Daughter and wasn't crazy about the writing.

Anonymous said...

Could you please take a look at the books posted (they are all downloadable for free) at I would especially like your perspective on the Bigdeh Shesh essay "Forks" on Chassidus vs. Misnagdus and on R' Aryeh Kaplan's Age of the Universe pamphlet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what will this yichud lead to?

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading 'A Thread of Grace' by Mary Doria Russell, and I couldn't put it down. I'd be curious to see what you have to say about it. I assume (perhaps wrongly) that you are the child or grandchild of Holocaust survivors, and that makes your perspective even more interesting to me. In any case, please go back to posting on your regular blog as well!!

Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Anon May 1 3:36: In the event you read this (doubtful, it's been over a month) I'd like to know where you find the Essay forks, and likewise if the other books are downloadable.


Anonymous said...


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